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Challenge #2: Supply and Demand


The growth in appetite for UK HE that we’ll see on the road to 2030 means that we’ll see a reversal of the balance in supply and demand which has operated over the past decade. In the second chapter of UCAS’ essay collection, the authors consider what innovations need to be made to accommodate the increase in demand. Diversification rests at the heart of this, whether it’s through overseas partnerships with universities, the expansion of non-degree routes such as apprenticeships and technical education, or embracing innovative modes of delivery.

Closer collaboration is also a key theme, with discussion of how universities, schools and colleges can work together more closely to maintain the student experience. Critically, these essays encourage us to see not only the challenges but also the opportunities which the upcoming increase in demand will bring — the opportunity to train the high-skilled workers of the future, and to boost the prosperity of the UK as a whole.