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How to become a management accountant: Omar's story

Omar is 19 and is a degree apprentice at EY in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, working as a management accountant. Part of the BBC Bitesize World of work series.

Watch Omar's story on BBC Bitesize Careers

Anti-money laundering work involves investigating individuals and companies to check if they're using their funds in an illegal way.

  • Omar is on a chartered management degree apprenticeship. He gets the chance to train on the job and gain experience on different projects.
  • Omar is currently working on an anti-money laundering project. This involves investigating individuals and companies to check if they're using their funds in an illegal way. Omar works on a computer and checks customers' accounts for suspicious activity.
  • Teamwork is important in Omar's job, as well as communication and time-management – especially as he also has university assignments to complete.
  • As part of his apprenticeship, he will gain an honours degree and will then be able to choose which professional qualification he studies and wants to specialise in. This might be anti-money laundering or cyber security, for example.

Find salary and qualification information on BBC Bitesize Careers